Plumbing and Drainage
Plumbing is an essential component to the home, but blocked plumbing can quickly turn into your worst nightmare. (Particularly explaining to the plumber why the pipes are filled with messy substances).

If engaging in messy play in the bath or shower, close or block the plug hole before beginning to ensure mess doesn't drain (bonus is that you can scoop it back up again).

When cleaning up, make sure to dispose of it in double lined bin bags and NOT down the pipes as you will block them. Scoop off as much mess from yourself as you can before getting in the shower.

Substances like methycellulose can be dilluted in water but be warned, if not mixed properly it can clump and sit in the bottom of traps and bends.

A lot of messy substances contain fats and oils which block the network further down the line and cost water companies millions every year to fix!

editModified 2/5/21 by Messy Dancer1 revision1048 views

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